The Joy Of Living

The King’s Love Is More Radiant Than Jewels. It’s Priceless

Incomparable, the Life With Christ. It Exceeds all that one could imagine. The Prince of Peace, the Prince of Strength, the Prince of Life abiding, oh let me say it another way, making His residence within our hearts. An abiding Love, an abiding stay, never to depart, never flittering away. The calm in the midst of a storm, blanketing our hearts so that were kept safe, comfortable, far away from distressing alarm. Preparing a table in the midst of the press, helping us remain stately, reminding us that we are blessed. The Joy of living continues to grow, as are knowledge of the Savior increases.

Psalm 16:11O

11 Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore

Oh, but if you don’t know this wonderful Prince of Life, ask Jesus to come into your heart right now. Don’t wait another second.