I Want You To Rejoice More

Medical science has done studies on those who have had terminal illnesses. They have seen that many have used humor with the medicine. They laughed and they laughed and they laughed at funny old movies, funny shows and those symptoms left their phsical bodies. They didn’t realize that they had tapped in to the Spiritual force of Joy. Joy brings strength. Fear can’t stay in the same room. Joy enables God to take what Satan meant for your destruction, and run it off of your property. So with our prayers for you, and your standing on the promises of God, add this, ( rejoice, changing the direction of your emotions), and healing will be a piece of cake, or the desert of your choice.💕💕

Proverbs 17:22 King James Version (KJV)

22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones