Journeying Upward

Have you ever watched men and women climb Mt Kilimanjaro? I have. I have watched the determination of those who seemed to be fearless. They’ve taken cameras on their headsets, and one can watch the trek as it progresses. In some of the sections, everyone appears jolly. Then other sections, a seriousness comes across the entire group, and with much carefulness, they progress. An interesting thing that I noticed, was that the guides would say from time to time, “Pole Pole” or “keep a slow pace.” This was because the air became thin the higher the elevation. As they reached the summit, it was not without arduous moments; there were many, but their victory was sweet! The Lord has often taken time to encourage me when viewing these treks. He said, keep moving forward; even if it’s “Pole Pole,” or at a slower pace. He encourages me to “rest a while; don’t quit, know others have gone before me, and I will be able to complete my race.” I’m thankful for His creative encouragement. You can take your time and slow down too if you must, but don’t quit. You will reach the summit soon. Then you can start on a new trek.

1 Cor. 4:3,4

3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.

Photo by Anna Claire Schellenberg
Photo by Sergey Pesterev
Photo by K15
Photo byHarshil Gudka
Photo by Tom Cleary