Help is here Faith Seminar will be aired continuously on
the 22th through 25th of February, but just because it’s so important,
I have started airing it on the Regeneration Ministry Station today! There are two stations, “the Spoke N Word,” and the Regeneration Ministry Radio station FREE in the Android App Store, and Google Play Store. It soooo important to know how to walk by faith, because it makes all the difference. In the world your outcomes in life, whether you fair well or kept under the bondage to Satan’s dictates.
Things don’t have to go done the way they have been going. God will work with your faith to establish you and your littles. Let’s work at it.
Bless you.
The Seminar Will Also be Available on the Radio Station based in the UK on the dates of February 22nd-25th
Place this secure url in your computer’s browser:
Faith Will shut the door on calamity and open the door to the blessings of God.