It’s time to take a joy break. Lay everything aside. Pull out of your memories of all those wonderful things that God has done for you in the past. (This will apply to you once you have made Jesus Lord, and allowed God to show you his Salvation). For those who have been with God awhile, let’s begin to see yourself smiling and laughing on the inside. Then open up your mouth and speak forth praise and adoration to the King. Then follow by a little singing. Lift up those arms in thanksgiving. Do a little dance on the inside. Some may not understand our joy. I learned that the hard way Lol. Now watch the atmosphere around you give way to joy and peace and strength. What you did, was usher God’s presence in on the scene. He sits down in the midst of your praise, and all oppression flees away. At this time, you cam go on and enjoy the rest of your day in Victory.
Isaiah 12:3
Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation