There is a new beautiful Spirit sent to show you things to come. Awww. Thats God’s goodness, we never have to go out without prior knowledge of things good or bad, that would affect our lives personally. This is why our Joy remains full. Because we have taken the time, ( you can do this too, set yourselves), to become sensitive to the word, by acting upon it. We have taken the time to shape our characters so that they match the character of God. ( Like Father, Like Daughter/ Son). When people see us, they say they are irresistible. That’s because we love like sugar,his man. We have decided that God loves us, and would never tell us something that He did not intend to do. Our Faith and Joy keep him active and moving blessings into our lives. We treat the world with dignity and respect, that makes them slide in and repent and turn from their sins Ohh, I can’t help but adding a few extras :>)
The Spirit of Love, Hovers like a Dove, Descending and Ascending giving insights into what is to come.
He is in each one of us, however it appears like he is Descending & Ascending.
John 16:13
13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come